At the Wellness Center of New York in Midtown Manhattan our goal with chiropractic care is to remove vertebral subluxations from the body and heal your body naturally

A Midtown Manhattan chiropractor is a practitioner of integrative medicine that is based on the diagnosis and manipulative treatment of joint misalignment. They care for patients with a host of different problems including health problems and pain associated with their nerves, bones, muscles, ligaments, joints, and tendons.

A Subluxation is composed of one or more misaligned spinal bones (vertebrae) and causes interference through compression, tension, irritation, and damage to the central nervous system (the brain, spinal cord, and spinal nerves). Your central nervous system controls all functions and healing in your body.

Symptoms are your body’s warning signal that something has been malfunctioning for some time and needs attention. In most cases, subluxation is present without symptoms or warning. Like the early stages of tooth decay or cancer, subluxations can be present without obvious symptoms. Usually, a subluxation has existed for many years by the time pain arrives.


The Benefits of a Chiropractor in Midtown Manhattan

If you are experiencing any kind of pain, chiropractic care has been shown to help reduce that pain more than even medications can. They help properly align the body’s musculoskeletal structure including the spine so that no medication or surgery will be needed to treat or correct the problem.


Other Treatments for Pain Relief

In addition to spinal manipulation for pain relief, chiropractors in Midtown Manhattan also use other manual methods including postural therapy, exercise education, and even ergonomic training. This kind of training involves teaching the patient the right way to sit, stand, and walk to help reduce the pain they experience in their back. What are the Risks of Chiropractic Care in Midtown Manhattan? While uncommon, there are some cases of spinal manipulation resulting in complications including stroke. Other complications such as a herniated disk or the compression of nerves may also be a risk, but it is extremely rare.


Spinal Manipulation for Pain Relief

Spinal manipulation can include exercise, massage, and physical therapy and can help provide some much-needed pain relief for lower back pain that many people experience on a daily basis. It has been shown to work just as well as other more traditional treatment methods like applying heat and medications. Chiropractors in Midtown Manhattan can also work with your primary doctors and surgeons to find more effective ways to relieve your pain.


How Often Should You See a Chiropractor in Midtown Manhattan?

Any back and neck pain you have can typically be resolved in just a few sessions, but that doesn’t mean that your therapy and treatment should stop there. Once a week visits are good and will help keep your underlying conditions under control and will help take some of the stress off your body and ease any symptoms you may experience. If the pain is more severe, you will most likely need more intensive therapy sessions with the chiropractor which could include two to three adjustments per week. However, the length and duration of treatment depends on how serious the condition is and what your level of pain is typically at. If you don’t find any improvement or much in the way of pain relief after several sessions, it may be time to explore other options because your body isn’t responding to the chiropractic care and treatment. Otherwise, new approaches can be examined as you move further into treatment for your pain relief.

The body has the ability to heal itself. Our job is to correct subluxations in your spine to remove interference from your nervous system, so you can reach your full potential.

Subluxations are caused by stress on your body that you could not adapt to:


We identify subluxations in your spine by postural examination, X-ray examination, motion studies, chiropractic evaluation, and any symptoms you may be experiencing. After performing a thorough examination, we can find the location and severity of subluxations that you may have.

Get started in 3 easy steps!

1. Consultation

Our doctors meet with anyone interested in care for a consultation at our expense. We do this to see if we can help you. The doctor will go over your reasons for wanting to begin care and will perform tests to see if you have signs of dysfunction or subluxations in your body.

2. Full Examination

If the doctor finds indications of subluxation, he may recommend a full examination. This includes chiropractic, orthopedic, and neurological testing and X-rays if needed. If we find subluxations during your exam, we can help you.

3. Report of Findings

After your exam, a Report of Findings will be scheduled for another day. During this appointment, we will review the results of your exam and discuss your care recommendations. All questions concerning your care (duration, frequency, costs, etc.) will be answered at this report.

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Location and Contact

234 East 60th Street, New York, NY 10022

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Hours of Operation

Monday 11am -1pm; 3:00pm –6:00pm
Tuesday 7:30am –11:30pm
Wednesday 11am –1pm; 3:00pm –6:00pm
Thursday Closed
Friday 7:30am –11:30pm
Saturday Closed
Sunday Closed
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